Lisbet doing Ajapa Japa
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What is Satyananda Ajapa Japa? – Full Explanation

Ajapa Japa is a meditation technique specific to Satyananda yoga. It combines ujjayi pranayama, awareness of pranic channels and chakras with the mantra Soham. Swami Satyananda’s Ajapa Japa comes in different forms. There are versions suitable to beginners and practices that are better for confirmed practitioners. The origins of Satyananda’s Ajapa Japa Swami Satyananda was…

Man doing intestinal cleansing.

How to Do Shankhaprakshalana – Complete Guide

This is a complete guide to yogic intestinal cleansing, shankhaprakshalana. It is a purification method that you do by drinking saltwater and performing five simple yoga exercises. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about benefits and precations. You will also get detailed instructions on how to do shankhaprakshalana on your…

Image of a rudraksha seed. A symbol of sankalpa, a magical seed.
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How to Set a Sankalpa That Will Change Your Life

A sankalpa is the formulation of an intention or a resolution. If you can firmly anchor this intention within you, all your resources, conscious and unconscious, will converge so that your whole being works in one direction. Your sankalpa will then shape your life and become a reality. A sankalpa done right can change your…

Visualisation of what prana feels like.

This Is What Prana Feels Like – Testimonials by Real Yogis

According to yoga, there is a subtle dimension of energy underlying the physical world. It is called prana. By making ourselves sensitive to this energy, we can learn how to feel it. If you have no experience with yoga, you might wonder what feeling prana is like. To give you a good idea, I asked…

Woman in jalandhara bandha after bhastrika pranayama.

Bhastrika & Kapalbhati – What Is the difference?

Bhastrika and kapalbhati pranayama are two similar yet distinct yogic breathing exercises. However, there is an inconsistency between yoga lineages, both regarding instructions and what to call them. That makes understanding the difference between them pretty tricky. Yet, if you examine these pranayamas in detail, you will see that there is a logic. This post…