How Is Yoga Nidra Different from Meditation? – 5 Key Points

How Is Yoga Nidra Different from Meditation? – 5 Key Points

Yoga nidra is a yogic relaxation method. You might wonder how it is different from regular meditation? Meditation is an umbrella term for a wider variety of practices. It isn’t wrong to say that yoga nidra is a kind of meditation. However, it does have some particular characteristics. Here are five crucial ways in which…

Image of a rudraksha seed. A symbol of sankalpa, a magical seed.
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How to Set a Sankalpa That Will Change Your Life

A sankalpa is the formulation of an intention or a resolution. If you can firmly anchor this intention within you, all your resources, conscious and unconscious, will converge so that your whole being works in one direction. Your sankalpa will then shape your life and become a reality. A sankalpa done right can change your…

Woman practicing yoga nidra with forearms in vertical position.

How to Stay Awake in Yoga Nidra – 10 Ways to a More Aware Relaxation

Yoga nidra is a yogic relaxation method created by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It’s a method that rapidly brings you into a state of deep relaxation. However, this state is so close to sleep that you easily can drift off and fall asleep altogether. Sleep is a common source of frustration among practitioners of yoga nidra. …

Red traffic light - symbol of slowing down to rest.
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The Relaxation Response

In a threatening situation, the nervous system reacts to make us capable to take action. However, psychological pressure and the normal frictions of modern life can trigger the same physical reactions. When stress is long-lasting, the nervous system loses its capacity to reestablish balance. Meditation can set off the relaxation response which can be the…