Woman in jalandhara bandha after bhastrika pranayama.

Bhastrika & Kapalbhati – What Is the difference?

Bhastrika and kapalbhati pranayama are two similar yet distinct yogic breathing exercises. However, there is an inconsistency between yoga lineages, both regarding instructions and what to call them. That makes understanding the difference between them pretty tricky. Yet, if you examine these pranayamas in detail, you will see that there is a logic. This post…

Duration of Nadi Shodhana indicated with stop-watch

How Long Should Nadi Shodhana Last For Best Results?

Nadi shodhana pranayama is a fantastic breathing exercise. When you get it right, regular practice can bring you immense benefits. Though the exercise is simple, you need the proper knowledge. In this post, I will be answering how long time nadi shodhana pranayama should last for the best results. I will be giving you precise…

Old keys

Prerequisites For Pranayama That Really Matter For A Great Practice

At what stage in the unfolding of your yoga practice and under what conditions can you start pranayama? If you research this question, you will find many different indications. But you surely want to know the prerequisites for pranayama practice that truly matters? If you are new to yogic breathing exercises yourself, I know these…