Woman who respects the right order to do pranayama by practicing Nadi Shodana in the end of a session.

The Correct Order To Do Pranayama For Best Results

If you are exploring yogic breathing exercises, you might ask yourself if there is a correct order to do pranayama. Different pranayamas have different effects, and it could be worth your while putting some thought into getting the order of pranayamas right. A proper sequence assures profound and harmonious results while you can miss out…

Man doing Ujjayi pranayama. A whispering sound is visualised by soundwaves.
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How to practice Ujjayi Pranayama – Your complete guide

Ujjayi pranayama is one of the most essential hatha yoga practices. You do it by producing a soft whispering sound while breathing. Though deceptively simple, it has a profound impact on your nervous system and your energy. Ujjayi pranayama is the backbone of Kriya Yoga, one of the most advanced old school yoga systems that…

Khecari mudra - the spacewalking seal
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Khecari Mudra – the Revival of the Spacewalking Seal

Khecari mudra is a yogic practice praised in Sanskrit yoga texts as one of the most potent practices of them all. Yet today, Khecari mudra is, for the most part, passed on in a simplified manner. Despite the renaissance of yoga, those who practice Khecari in its full form remain rare. But that is starting…

Group learning pranayama.

What is the best way to learn pranayama?

If you have tried the original breathing exercises of hatha yoga, chances are that you have had an uncomfortable experience. The bliss-inducing breathing you expected might instead have felt like a near suffocation experience. The truth is that pranayama is both challenging and subtle and that you can easily miss the target. To avoid frustration,…

Bhramarai pranayama, the vibrating breathing exercise of hatha yoga.

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari pranayama is a breathing exercise where the practitioner closes his ears. While slowly exhaling the yogi then makes a deep humming sound that vibrates in the head. With a bit of imagination, this sound resembles that of a flying bumblebee. This is also what the Sanskrit word bhramari signifies. Depending on how you pronunce…